Friday, March 27, 2009

Question: Preferred Behaviour on Torrent Problems

What kind of response would you like if:
  1. The torrent file was corrupt
  2. The tracker doesn't exist (therefore can't download)
  3. The tracker may exist, but isn't responding (maybe can't download)
  4. There are no peers (therefore can't download at the moment)
  5. There are no peers accepting connections (therefore can't download at the moment)
  6. Peers won't share after, for example, a minute of waiting (therefore can't download at the moment)
  7. Given the peers we have seen in the last, for example, minute, no-one has the complete file we're interested in (therefore can't complete download at the moment)
  8. There is a problem saving to the specified destination
  9. Firefox is closing (there is the possibility of resuming when re-opening Firefox)
  10. The download is complete

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